Simon Hudson MD

The past week to 10 days has been a challenging time for all businesses. We have been working flat out to offer support, PR and any help to our existing clients and any businesses that have needed help regardless. This is a stance we will continue with and offer to support to all companies at this time.

The Soapy Group is well equipped to work remotely with our full team available for individual and collective video conferencing when needed. Our support will continue to those companies who need help at this time and the foreseeable future.

As the captain of ‘The Good Ship Soapy’, I have always endeavoured to steer the company in a responsible and sustainable manor. We are finalising our strategy to make sure we look after the financial and mental well-being of our staff first, followed closely by our suppliers and service providers. This strategy has the objective to come out of the current crisis fighting and ready to help businesses rebuild and grow again.

As small business owners we have the opportunity to collaborate and work together more than ever before. Thorough a common goal to support our staff, other companies around us and the communities we live in.

I look forward to hearing from any companies who need help in whatever way that may be. Our virtual door is open for a chat anytime.

Microsoft Teams

GoTo Meeting



Phone Call